Leaving a River Legacy
PARC Legacy Fund by Gary Estes,
PARC Board Member
Each day we are a little older. The older members of PARC’s Board of Directors felt it is time to recognize this fact and think about the future of the American River canyons after we move on. How could we continue protecting the canyons from Auburn dam, helping clean up the trash, preventing inappropriate housing on the canyon rim to protect the viewshed, and installing new signage for canyon users? Our solution -- “Leaving a River Legacy.”
PARC Board Member
Each day we are a little older. The older members of PARC’s Board of Directors felt it is time to recognize this fact and think about the future of the American River canyons after we move on. How could we continue protecting the canyons from Auburn dam, helping clean up the trash, preventing inappropriate housing on the canyon rim to protect the viewshed, and installing new signage for canyon users? Our solution -- “Leaving a River Legacy.”
We decided to start building a PARC Legacy Fund. The next generation will have some financial resources to help achieve our ultimate living legacy of the American River canyons Forever Wild & Scenic. Investing the money with the Placer Community Foundation, we know it will be professionally managed. We realized our limitations and know Board members change over time. Partnering with the Foundation ensures our endowment will grow into a living legacy. Like planting a seedling, our small start will grow larger each year and, hopefully, others sharing our vision will contribute. You are invited to join us in the drive of “Leaving a River Legacy.” The legacy is both the endowment, as a tool in our toolkit, and the canyons Forever Wild & Scenic, which is our mission.
We know you care about the American River Canyons
To Contribute
If you would like to leave a river legacy by contributing to the PARC Legacy Fund, you can: 1) Send a check payable to “PCF/PARC Legacy Fund.” Mail to Placer Community Foundation, P.O. Box 9207, Auburn, CA 95604 2) You can also donate directly through the Placer Community Foundation Website by selecting "PARC Legacy Fund" under the purpose for your donation, Select a designation - or by contacting Jessica Hubbard at 530 885-4920 or [email protected]. There are many ways you can help. Your Giving Options for now or later include:
Jessica is available for free consultations to support your charitable interests and answer your questions. No obligation is necessary. |
Please contact Gary Estes, PARC Board member, at (530) 889-9025 with questions about PARC’s mission and how the PARC Legacy Fund supports these efforts. For questions about contributing to the PARC Legacy Fund, including information about your giving options, please contact Jessica Hubbard of the Placer Community Foundation at (530) 885-4920 or [email protected], or visit their website at www.placercf.org. |