Current Events
Thanks to you, PARC raised $4,149 dollars during the
2020 Big Day of Giving Campaign. We appreciate your generosity! Your donations will be put to good use. We couldn't do it without you. Winners of the 2020 PARC Scholarship Essay Contest read their winning essays.
View the readings on PARC's YouTube channel. Read the essays here. |
American River Confluence Paddlers rise and shine for four early hydro releases scheduled for:
Sunday, July 19 Saturday, July 25 Saturday, August 1 Friday, September 4th PCWA will be making early morning hydro releases for rafting and kayaking on the North Fork. Water flows for enjoyable boating, around 1000 cfs, will arrive at the Confluence around noon, and at the Pump Station Rapids around 1:00 pm. - plenty of time to play and do the rapids many times using the portage trail. See more here. |
Thanks to all who participated in the Earth day American River Cleanup activities and iNaturalist BioBlitz on April 13, 2019!